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Creating a Listing

The recommended way to create listings is to use the Create Listings for Requested Events endpoint. This endpoint accepts text values for all the event information (e.g. name, local date, venue name, venue city and venue country) and the viagogo API will attempt to map this to an event on the viagogo platform.

We recommend using this endpoint for creating listings so that your listing can be created even if the event you are listing for does not exist on the viagogo platform yet. The event will then get created asynchronously and go live on the platform with your listing attached.

To prevent duplication of listings in our system due to race conditions, it is recommended that you provide an external_id ( the Id of the listing in your system when creating a listing). If an attempt is made to create a listing with an external_id that already exists for your user, then we will delete the old listing and create the new one.

The following code creates a listing via this mechanism.

var token = "PLEASE_SET_TOKEN";
var environment = ApiEnvironment.Sandbox;
var config = new GogoKitConfiguration() { ViagogoApiEnvironment = environment };
var client = new ViagogoClient(new ProductHeaderValue("APPLICATION_NAME", "1.0"),
new InMemoryOAuth2TokenStore());
await client.TokenStore.SetTokenAsync(new OAuth2Token() { AccessToken = token, ExpiresIn = int.MaxValue, IssueDate = DateTimeOffset.Now });

var newListing = new NewRequestedEventSellerListing

ExternalId = "Your_Arbitrary_Id",
Seating = new Seating
Section = "101",
Row = "a",
SeatFrom = "3",
SeatTo = "5"
TicketPrice = new Money
Amount = 150,
Currency = "USD"
FaceValue = new Money
Amount = 200,
Currency = "USD"
TicketType = "ETicket",
SplitType = "None",
NumberOfTickets = 4,
DisplayNumberOfTickets = 2,
Event = new Event
Name = "Dreams Come True",
StartDate = new DateTimeOffset(2025, 11, 28, 15, 30, 0, new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0)),
Venue = new Venue
Name = "Osaka Jo Hall",
City = "Osaka",
StateProvince = "Kansai",
Country = new Country {Code = "JP"}
Venue = new Venue
Name = "Osaka Jo Hall",
City = "Osaka",
Country = new Country {Code = "JP"}

var listing = await client.SellerListings.CreateAsync(newListing);