Error Responses
When the viagogo API returns error messages, it includes a specific error code and possibly a localized error message that can be displayed to a user.
An error might look like this:
"code": "validation_failed",
"message": null,
"errors": {
"seller_listing.ticket_price": [
"You must provide either 'ticket_price' or 'ticket_proceeds'"
Error Codes​
Code | Status Code | Description |
https_required | 400 | The request is not using an SSL connection. |
user_agent_required | 400 | The request does not include a valid User-Agent header. |
invalid_request_body | 400 | This request does not include a valid JSON body. |
insufficient_scope | 403 | The access token used in the request does not have the scope required to access this resource. |
validation_failed | 400 | The request data is not valid. errors will contain an object with a localized message that describes the validation error for each property of the data. |
invalid_seller_listing_action | 403 | The request is attempting perform an operation on a SellerListing that does not currently support that action. |
create_listing_not_allowed | 403 | The request is attempting create a listing for an Event that tickets cannot currently be listed for. |
invalid_delete | 403 | The request is attempting to delete a resource that cannot be deleted. |
internal_server_error | 500 | Something is broken. We'll get this fixed ASAP! |